15 mistakes people do when planning a corporate event

Event Planning

corporate event

Photo by Christina Morillo

Organizing a corporate event can seem intimidating due to the meticulous nature of the process. Even the most experienced planners may make mistakes that can result in an unsuccessful event and a negative opinion from guests. The following are 15 common errors made when planning corporate events:

  • Not setting clear goals and objectives: Before you start planning an event, it’s important to define what you want to achieve with the event. Are you trying to increase brand awareness, launch a new product, or simply bring your employees together for team-building? Without clear goals, it’s difficult to measure the success of the event.
  • Underestimating the budget: Setting a budget is crucial for any event, but it’s easy to underestimate the costs involved. Make sure to factor in all expenses, including venue rental, catering, entertainment, decorations, and any additional services you may need.
  • Failing to consider the target audience: Your event should cater to the needs and interests of the attendees, so it’s important to understand their preferences and demographics. Consider things like age, gender, job title, and industry when choosing the theme, venue, and activities for the event.
  • Not planning ahead: Procrastination can lead to a rushed and disorganized event. Start planning your event well in advance to give yourself plenty of time to research vendors, secure a venue, and make all necessary arrangements.
  • Ignoring logistics: Logistical issues can cause major problems at an event. Make sure to consider things like transportation, parking, and accessibility for attendees, as well as any necessary permits or licenses.
  • Neglecting marketing and promotion: Marketing and promotion are crucial for a successful event. Make sure to spread the word through email, social media, and other marketing channels to ensure that enough people attend.
  • Skipping the schedule: A well-organized schedule can help ensure that everything runs smoothly at your event. Make sure to include breaks, meals, and any other activities or presentations in your schedule.
  • Not catering to dietary restrictions: Make sure to consider the dietary restrictions and preferences of your attendees when selecting catering options. Offer a variety of options, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.
  • Forgetting about AV equipment: Audio and visual equipment is essential for presentations and demonstrations at corporate events. Make sure to consider the type of equipment you’ll need and have a backup plan in case of technical issues.
  • Overlooking the venue layout: The layout of the venue can significantly impact the success of your event. Make sure to consider the size and capacity of the venue, as well as any necessary furnishings and décor.
  • Neglecting to plan for weather: If your event is outdoors, make sure to have a plan in place in case of inclement weather. This could include providing shelter or backup indoor venues.
  • Skipping the follow-up: Don’t forget to follow up with attendees after the event. This could include sending a survey or gathering feedback to help improve future events.
  • Not having a backup plan: Things don’t always go according to plan, so it’s important to have a backup plan in case of any unexpected issues. This could include having a Plan B venue or having backup entertainment options.
  • Failing to consider cultural differences: If your event is international or diverse, make sure to consider cultural differences and be mindful of any potential sensitivities. This could include things like food preferences, attire, and communication styles.

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